DR. NO 8×10.25 still 1962 Sean Connery as James Bond stares at Zena Marshall wearing towel!


Ian Fleming’s Dr. No, the classic 1962 (released in England in October 1962 and first released in the U.S. in May 1963) Terence Young English James Bond 007 secret agent spy espionage romantic fantasy action adventure thriller (“Now… Meet the most extraordinary gentleman spy in All fiction…….. James Bond Agent 007…!”; “The first James Bond film adventure!”; “James Bond, his code 007″; “The double ‘0’ means he has a license to kill when he chooses… Where he chooses… Whom he chooses!”; “He developed the technique of love to an art… the art of murder to a science”; “Now he is a flesh and blood experience on the screen!”; based on the novels by Ian Fleming) starring Sean Connery (“as James Bond“), Ursula Andress (as Honey Ryder), Joseph Wiseman (in the title role “as Dr. No”), Jack LordBernard Lee (as M), John Kitzmiller, Eunice GaysonLois Maxwell (as Miss Moneypenny), Reggie Carter, Zena Marshall (as Miss Taro), Marthe Keller, and Anthony Dawson. Note that John Kitzmiller was a black African American who served in Italy in World War II, and he decided to stay there after the war, and he appeared in around 50 Italian movies!
Condition: very good.
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