The Party (1968) – One sheet poster style B
Vintage original 27 x 41″ (68 x 103 cm.) one sheet poster style B, USA. Peter Sellers, Claudine Longet, Natalia Borisova, Jean Carson, Marge Champion, dir: Blake Edwards: United Artists. Hurndi V. Bakshi (Peter Sellers) is an actor from India.
During the filming of a costume epic a list of those to fire on the film gets confused with the studio head’s guest list for a party and Hurndi appears for the party, where everyone assumes he belongs. A series of hilarious slapstick scenarios ensue, making it one of the funniest of the Sellers/Edwards film efforts. There was just a 56 page outline from which the film was improvised. Fun alternate 1960s art by Jack Davis.
Category: Movie Posters