Apocalypse Now – German Style B


Apocalypse Now (1979) Poster, German, Style B

Artist: Bob Peak (1927-1992)

Unframed: 33 x 46 in. (84 x 117 cm)

The design for this German poster combines three different Bob Peak artworks used in various worldwide advertising campaigns.

This American epic war film was directed, produced and co-written by Francis Ford Coppola, and stars Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, Martin Sheen and Dennis Hopper. The documentary, Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse, chronicles how Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now was difficult to make, owing to the extraordinary script, shooting, budget, and casting problems, and almost destroyed the life and career of Coppola. Brando arrived on the set overweight and unfamiliar with his lines. Sheen unfortunately suffered a heart attack during filming. Even though the making of this film was plagued with many problems, the finished film is considered a masterpiece.

Condition Report

Material of Piece: Paper, backed on linen

Very good condition, with the colours remaining very bright. Restoration to folds, and a few minor surface abrasions.

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Bob Peak








33 x 46